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Enhancing sustainability and reducing food waste: A case study in validating open shelf life

Food waste poses a significant challenge to the food industry, resulting in substantial financial losses and adverse...
Blog Sustainability 12 May, 2023

As investor demands for ‘healthier’ products escalate, how can packaged food companies respond?

Recent pressure on the food & beverage industry to rebalance sales towards healthier products is indicative of a...
Blog 05 May, 2023

Proposed EU Regulation on packaging and packaging waste

On 30 November 2022, the European Commission published a new proposal for a Regulation on packaging and packaging...
Blog Sustainability 28 April, 2023

Are you ready for the EU’s deforestation-free products regulation?

The EU’s deforestation-free products regulation is expected to enter into force this year, and may be actively...
Blog Sustainability 21 April, 2023

UKAS | Leatherhead upholds cooking instructions accreditation

UKAS audited the department against ISO 17025:2017 (general requirements for the competence of testing and calibration...
News 19 April, 2023

Origin labelling in EU/GB: key information to determine

With various pieces of legislation governing origin labelling, and the regulations difficult to understand, companies...
Blog Sustainability 14 April, 2023

Proposed EU Green Claims Directive – help shape the legislation

On March 22, 2023, the European Commission published a Proposal for a Directive on the substantiation and communication...
Blog Sustainability 05 April, 2023

EU approval of carbomer creates opportunities for supplement manufacturers

The use of carbomer as an additive (E1210) in solid and liquid food supplements (excluding those for infants and young...
Blog 24 March, 2023

Regulatory matters to consider during botanical-led innovation

With the botanical ingredients market projected to reach USD 331.9 billion by 2032, botanical-led innovation holds much...
Blog 17 March, 2023

Leatherhead Food Research celebrates International Women’s Day

Happy International Women’s Day from Leatherhead Food Research! As part of Science Group, Leatherhead Food Research...
News 08 March, 2023