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Survey: How do you forecast the future and spot upcoming trends?

We’d like to ask people for their own perspective on how they go about the process of “horizon scanning”...
News 30 May, 2018

Public Health England sugar reduction progress report underlines scientific complexities

Public Health England’s progress report on sugar reduction across nine food categories recognises the achievements of...
Press release 23 May, 2018

Food & beverage plastic packaging crisis demands holistic response

Reducing the amount of plastic waste generated by the food and beverage industry requires a cohesive approach that...
Press release 21 May, 2018

Breaking up with plastic

Reducing plastic waste especially in food & beverage packaging is one of the great challenges of our age. Tackling...
News 21 May, 2018

Label clustering: what not to do

Label clustering is an effective solution to deliver supply chain efficiencies for multi-national businesses. It leads...
News 16 May, 2018

The Nestlé-Starbucks licence: a match made in heaven or a marriage of convenience?

The news that Nestlé had penned an agreement with Starbucks will have surprised many this week. But reflecting on it...
News 10 May, 2018

Do you really want to behave like a start-up?

How global brands can “be more start-up” without compromising on risk. “More than ever, the consumer needs to be...
News 09 May, 2018

Going global: one formulation for many markets

Food and beverage brands wanting to establish or extend their global presence have to contend with an intricate web of...
News 08 May, 2018

Do consumers really follow cooking instructions?

Last year, Leatherhead Food Research carried out more than 15,000 cooking tests. That’s almost 60 per working day...
News 02 May, 2018

Leatherhead awarded twin food & beverage accreditations

Leatherhead Food Research, a Science Group company, has been awarded UKAS accreditation for the evaluation of challenge...
Press release 16 April, 2018