White paper archive


Our complete library of whitepapers, covering various different topics in the food and beverage industry, all written and edited by our industry experts.


Plastics and packaging

With plastics and packaging high on both the public and corporate agendas, we explored the difference in attitudes...
S&I White paper 14 September, 2018

The new and improved EU rules on novel foods

The new EU rules on novel foods means a more centralised and faster process to get new products on the EU market. With...
S&I White paper 12 July, 2018

3D printing and food manufacture

3D printing is becoming increasingly mainstream, but there has been limited uptake in the food industry to date...
S&I White paper 04 July, 2018

Oral processing – a rheologist’s perspective

The design of healthy products that deliver from a sensory perspective can prove challenging for many product...
S&I White paper 23 March, 2018

Acrylamide mitigation in food – an update

In April 2018, the European Commission released new benchmark guidelines on food acrylamide levels. These new...
S&I White paper 31 January, 2018

From first bite to swallow: the science of oral processing

Optimising textural, mouthfeel and flavour release profiles is a high priority for food and beverage product...
S&I White paper 20 December, 2017

When should you challenge test your products?

In this white paper, Dr Peter Wareing provides a technical overview with regard to when a challenge test should be...
S&I White paper 19 December, 2017

Antimicrobial resistance

In this white paper, Dr Peter Wareing discusses antimicrobial resistance, why we should pay attention to this serious...
S&I White paper 14 December, 2017

Cost-driven reformulation: look before you leap

Manufacturing and raw material costs are on the up, but food and beverage companies want to avoid consumer price hikes...
S&I White paper 05 July, 2017

Immersing consumers in a virtual world

The experience of sipping a glass of white wine in a trattoria by the beach in Sardinia can hardly compare to tasting a...
CSM S&I White paper 20 June, 2017
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