Concept validation

A key stage of the innovation or product development process is to validate the core concept and to optimise it. You have a great idea for a product – but will the consumer buy it? Concept validation is about taking that concept – in whatever form – to a group of representative consumers and assessing their feedback.

How Leatherhead can help?

Leatherhead is an expert in the area of consumer insight. We maintain a proprietary, database of consumers from whom we can select suitable audiences to perform:

  • Focus groups: we can undertake qualitative feedback sessions with targeted focus groups to present a concept and assess and collate their feedback. In addition to preference, we can gain suggestions for improvement, targeting and positioning assistance, price point and price sensitivity information.
  • “One-to-one” interviews: for detailed qualitative feedback we can undertake one-to-one interviews with target consumers to get answers to specific questions from them. We can select suitable interviewees from our database of pre-approved consumers.
  • Online surveys: for quantitative feedback we can undertake larger surveys with broader tranches of our database.

Because of Leatherhead’s distinctive combination of offerings, we are also able to work with you and our innovation teams to iterate concept quickly so that we can take suggested improvement and evolve the concept quickly.

Why Leatherhead?

  • Breadth of panels – consumers at central location, at home, at location, sensory trained panels.
  • Navigating and recommending appropriate methods & approaches to suit your requirements
  • Science background, up to date, latest research in the industry
  • Meaningful, actionable analysis – so what? What next?
  • Large multi-disciplinary team of approachable people


How can we help?

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