Simplified front of pack labelling in South America – are you compliant?

Recent changes in legislation across South America aim to improve consumers’ understanding of nutritional information and in turn empower their citizens to make healthier food choices. These legal frameworks establish significant changes in the legibility of information, its content, and how information must be displayed on nutritional tables. Read on to learn about the labelling changes that apply to Brazil and Mexico.


After a process initiated in 2014, the National Agency of Sanitary Surveillance (ANVISA) approved a new nutritional label regulation with the publication of Resolution of the Collegiate Board No. 429 and Normative Instruction No. 75.

The most relevant modification is the adoption of the front of pack nutrition labelling. Under the new rules, nutrition information must be placed on the front of pack of packaged foods, using simple and clear icons to emphasize high contents of saturated fat, added sugar, and sodium.

In terms of the timeframe for implementation and compliance, food business operators have 24 months from its publication, (9 October 2020), to ensure compliance of their products.


Mexico has been recognised as being a pioneer in developing front of pack nutrition labelling in Latin America. The initial program was introduced in 2014 with some success; however, after several years of its implementation, consumers and manufacturers did not fully understand the system, triggering an increase in obesity rates.

In an effort to resolve this issue the Secretariat of Economic and the Secretariat of Health has worked alongside groups from industry and academia since 2019 to introduce a more responsive system.

As a result, in March 2020, the new amendment of the Official Mexican Standard NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1-2010 on labelling of foods and non-alcoholic beverages was published by The Federal Commission for Protection against Sanitary Risk (COFEPRIS).

The new legal framework introduces a simplified front of pack nutrition labelling system, along with changes for the declaration of certain general and nutrition information. This includes mandatory warning statements for products containing caffeine and sweeteners. The use of certain nutrition claims on such products containing caffeine and sweeteners are also restricted.

The new FOP system entered into force in October 2020; other labelling amendments are due to come into force in early 2021.

How can Leatherhead help?

Leatherhead can help you make the necessary label changes in preparation for new regulations coming into force. Our team can assist with artwork compliance and provide legal advice on general and nutrition labelling.

Get in touch at [email protected] or complete the form below to put your question to our team of Regulatory experts. If you’re a Member you can use your helpline hours to pose specific questions or initiate a project depending on your needs.

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