Consumer and sensory insight
Leatherhead’s Emma Gubisch reflects on some of the key talking points from EuroSense 2018 and what this means for consumer insight in the food and beverage industry.

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Consumers are the life-blood of the food and drinks industry and must be at the heart of innovation and new product development. They are your ultimate judge and will inevitably decide whether your brand blossoms or wilts. Your consumer insight should provide clear direction, confidence in decision-making and enable you to serve winning products to the market at the right time.
Our services
Brand Protect: Consumer-led product evolution
Enabling Marketing and R&D professionals to grow volume or value share of existing product propositions by giving clear recommendations from sensory product characterisation, qualitative consumer insight and quantitative consumer product testing.
Brand Stretch: Consumer-led concept & new product development
Enabling NPD, Brand and Marketing professionals to identify and qualify opportunity areas, as well as new product and packaging propositions most likely to deliver success in new categories, markets or brand re-positioning efforts.
Margin Optimisation: Consumer-led quality & cost management
Enabling Quality, R&D and Brand Managers to optimise margins without compromising consumer experience by providing robust consumer and sensory insight focussed on consumer priorities.
Disrupt: Consumer-led innovation
Qualitative and quantitative consumer insight, enabling innovators to understand the consumer view of a new technology, ingredient or early-stage product concept to inform implementation strategies.
We believe the secret to great consumer research is having a focussed, flexible programme that integrates sensory, R&D and regulatory expertise, ensuring not only that you get superior insight, but actionable and pragmatic recommendations that make your journey to market a smooth one.
Latest insights
What you need to know: using cannabis or its derivatives in a food and drink product
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Brexit uncertainty cause for concern for regulating EU food safety
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About Science Group
Science Group is an international science, engineering and technology (“SET”) business providing a range of services to the medical, defence, industrial, food & beverage and consumer sectors, supplemented by a strategic products division where the Group holds leading market positions in associated technology sectors.