Claims substantiation

A key tactic in marketing a product is to make a claim about the product. A product can be “new and approved” it can “taste better” than a competitor product and the language used to describe it can be very compelling. Understanding how to substantiate those claims from a sensory and consumer perspective is critical.

There are 2 main types of claim made that need to be substantiated from a consumer perspective. These are comparative and non-comparative claims.

  • Comparative claims are claims such as a product is “improved” or “tastes better than” something else. In order to substantiate such claims Leatherhead uses consumer testing to validate the claims. With a database of over 10,000 consumers, we can test your product against designated comparable products and substantiate empirically the claim that you make.
  • Non-comparative claims are claims that describe attributes of the product such as “it is crispy” or “it has a hint of vanilla” or other such informative claims. In order to substantiate these claims Leatherhead uses its team of trained, sensory panelists all of whom are super tasters and trained in the verbal skills necessary to create and validate food descriptions.

Why Leatherhead?

  • Breadth of panels – consumers at central location, at home, at location, sensory trained panels.
  • Navigating and recommending appropriate methods & approaches to suit your requirements
  • Science background, up to date, latest research in the industry
  • Meaningful, actionable analysis – so what? What next?
  • Large multi-disciplinary team of approachable people


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