Product benchmarking

Benchmarking can help you gauge how your products compare with the competition or even how reformulated versions compare with the original. Gaining an independent, unbiased view about how your product rates is an important part of the ongoing management of a product.

Leatherhead provides a comprehensive product-benchmarking service that uses both consumer testing and trained sensory panels.

  • Head to head competitor tests: for organisations wanting to know if their product is “better than” or “as good as” relevant competitor products, Leatherhead can undertake consumer hall testing on your behalf. There are many questions that can be asked to assess quality but typically we would ask questions around consumers’ liking of: appearance, aroma, flavour, texture and overall liking and disliking. This gives category buyers or product owners quantitative and qualitative data about how their product is perceived by standard consumers.
  • Product differences: if you want to understand how your product compares and contrasts objectively to a competitor product (as opposed to consumer preference) then we use a trained, sensory panel. The panel will identify attributes of the products and rate your product accordingly against competitors so you can see how it differs. Typical output is a spider chart – an example is shown below:


Why Leatherhead?

  • Breadth of panels – consumers at central location, at home, at location, sensory trained panels, nationwide and international key partners
  • Navigating and recommending appropriate methods & approaches to suit your requirements
  • Science background, up to date, latest research in the industry
  • Meaningful, actionable analysis – so what? What next?
  • Large multi-disciplinary team of approachable people


How can we help?

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